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AUTHOR: Anonymous DATE: 4/23/2008 02:10:00 PM ----- BODY:
Everyone knows that Stussy is making a come back like no other company. Stussy's style, creative, and originality has set them side from all the other companies. These new Stussy tees are sure to some fresh new style to your wardrobe Stussy's new Laced Skull tee is a perfect representation of style and our store. This shirt if perfect for any sneakerhead or anyone just looking for the next hottest tee around. The Laced Skull tee also features print on the back that will surely grab anyones attention day or night in this 24hr town! Photobucket Photobucket Ladies, we did not forget about you either. These next tees are just for you and they are sick. The World Massive tee features a large graphic of the front and comes in two colors. Come be apart of the Stussy Tribe. Photobucket Some of you might have recognized the Skillz shirt from a couple weeks ago when we got it in for men but now we got it for the ladies. Now you and your significant other can be the fresh couple in Vegas or you can wear it solo and be the sweetest girl around. Either way, the Stussy Skillz tee is a must have for the summer because everyone likes alittle candy! Photobucket Photobucket