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AUTHOR: Anonymous DATE: 4/14/2007 05:38:00 PM ----- BODY:
EXCITING NEWS! The Laced fam have been slipping on our gloves to help out a frequent regular to our store. .Floyd Mayweather Jr!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket With his upcoming fight against De La Hoya, HBO decided to document his journey along the way. As a regular to the store, he wanted to show his fans a more personal side to him. So he brought along his HBO crew to the store, took a tour and we got interviewed. Please check it out! The first airing will be: Tomorrow (Sunday) April 15, 2007 On HBO; after Entourage 10:30 PM It's a really cool opportunity for us and the store! SO TUNE IN! I'm sure we'll be on more episodes until the fight, so keep your eyes open!!